Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pray for me. I have a spirit of rejection and bad dreams – every man that promises to marry me disappears. The one I now have has told me to forget him after 3 years without reason. Susan

I have a heart problem and no peace of mind. Pray for me. Catherine

I had an abortion 3 years ago but I have much pain in the reproductive system even now. I want a child but I have failed. Pray for me that God forgives me so that I can conceive and that He heals me of other sicknesses that have attacked me. Beatrice

Pray for me that God makes a way because UNEB delayed to release my S.6 exams. So please stand with me as UNEB processes for them. Robina

Pray for me to be delivered from depression. Immaculate

Pray for me so that the spirit of fear and bitterness go away. Naomi

Pray for us. I always receive money but it just passes through my hand. I also need long lasting peace, love and prosperity in my life and God’s protection on me, Sarah Bright and the rest of my family. Morris

I want God’s favor in everything I do. Adam