Saturday, November 15, 2008

Meditation Moments

Matthew 7:7-8 -- Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
John 14:14 -- If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

Jesus, I don't always stop and thank You when things are going well. It seems like sometimes I only remember to do that when things turn bad.--Well, actually, not even right away when they turn bad, but often only after they've been bad and You've turned them good again. That's not very nice of me, is it, Jesus? Please help me to have faith to praise You even when things don't look so good, because I know that all things work together for good to them who love You (Romans 8:28).
I want to thank You for showing me that. And, before I forget, I'm going to say with my whole heart that I appreciate all the good things You do for me, the ones I see and the ones I don't even notice. You make so many things turn out right, and I just love You more than ever.
Help me to tell You more and to love and praise You more often. Thanks a lot, Jesus. I really appreciate You!

Many people seem to put the stories of Jesus and His disciples way back in the past. They're looked on as fairy tales. They have no reality to them. God is far away, Heaven is far away, Jesus has long been dead, everything is so far away! But the Lord is just as real as ever and can still do the same, and even more so. God is still alive, well, and working just as powerfully as ever amongst those that trust in Him! He says in the Bible, "I am the Lord, I change not" (Malachi 3:6), and "Jesus Christ: the same yesterday, today and forever!" (Hebrews 13:8). The day of miracles is not past! God's Word and His guarantees have no restrictions, no limitations, no qualifications except our faith.
All God asks of us is that we honor Him with faith, by believing the promises in His Word. When you pray, bring those promises with you to remind Him. When you remind God of His Word, it shows you have faith in it. It's a positive declaration of your faith and your knowledge of the Word that pleases God. So quote Scriptures and hold God to His Word!
"Keep on believing, God answers prayer!
Keep on believing, He's still up there!"
He has never failed in one of His good promises! (1 Kings 8:56).

Prayer Tips

Prayer is simply communicating with Jesus, just like you would talk to a good friend. You don’t have to follow any routine for Him to hear you. To be effective, prayer doesn’t depend on the position of your body, but the position of your heart. Just tell Jesus what’s on your mind. He loves to listen to you. He’ll either solve the problems that you face or give you the strength to make it through them.
Lots can be said about prayer, but here are a few tips that help get results:
1) Be wholehearted: The intensity with which you request God’s help is often reflected in the answer you receive.
2) Be specific: Tell Jesus exactly what the problem is, and what you want Him to do about it.
3) Claim God’s promises: God has made many promises in the Bible that He will keep in answer to prayer. He wants you to hold Him to them.
4) Thank God for answering: Thank Him for the answer, even before it arrives. Praise moves God to act on your behalf.